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Tokyo Pride Parade 2024

Written by Peter Weilnböck

Published on: 2024-06-06


#analog adventures

This year I visited the Tokyo pride parade together with my wife. She has been visiting each year for a few years now, being herself a member of the LGBTQ+ community, but it was the first time for me to accompany her. Since her cousin was visiting us, we squeezed it into the regular sight seeing program.

I took the opportunity try out colour film, which was a new experience for me. I had a few images left of Kodak Gold 200, and then switched to a roll of Harman Phoenix.
The Kodak Gold behaved beautifully, I would say. The colours are nice and the dynamic range is decent.
The Harman Phoenix is… a different kind of beast. It is definitely a look. And it needs a bit more care in its usage with its limited dynamic range and unique rendering.
While I do think that it has its uses, I would not call it an everyday film.

But enough babbling, here are the images: